Debt Assets

Profitable businesses know how to adapt to economic trends and market fluctuations. Having observed the crash of businesses not able to adapt, Grace Capital Investments began to look for profitable business opportunities suited for the current challenging economic times. Intent on diversifying our investments, we explored businesses that are not only expanding during this economy but also driven by the current financial crisis.

We found what we were looking for!
  • A seasoned industry, populated by a handful of large public companies and hundreds of small companies.
  • A unique market opportunity because the supply of assets to purchase has grown by 213% from 2006 to 2009, and the estimated supply of $119 Billion in 2010 continues to grow while the number of asset purchasing participants has not grown proportionately.
  • A business, like real estate investing, for which profit is determined when you buy. The profitability of the business is rooted in the purchase of assets at no more than 1/3 of their considered value.
  • A business requiring no marketing to gain clients.
  • An industry that has a high rate of revenue growth, is highly profitable, has low barriers to entry.
  • A business to which we can bring the integrity and ethics that define who we are.

Grace Capital Investments has diversified from a business poised to purchase pools of non-performing real estate assets to a business that is now also purchasing fresh charged off credit card debt. Thus, we can
  • Do business with integrity!
  • Be profitable in a challenging economy!
  • Help people in need!
  • Treat people with dignity and respect!
Win - Win - Win
Buying charged off credit card accounts allows us to work respectfully with persons who have been unable to meet their debt obligations. We target our buying to accounts issued to customers who had previously demonstrated long-standing good credit. We contract with third party agencies operating with an applied psychology approach to collections and treat people with respect and dignity, authorizing them to negotiate settlement with the borrowers for pennies on the dollar. The accounts can be reported as “paid” and the former debtors can move on with their lives without those worriess hanging over their heads. WIN.

At the same time, because we purchase the accounts for (even fewer) cents on the dollar, we can pay a competitive interest rate to private individuals and companies that invest in our business. WIN. WIN.

And because we have purchased these accounts wisely, paying no more than 1/3 of the amount we expect to collect, Grace Capital Investments makes a healthy profit. WIN. WIN. WIN.

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